If I go to Homedepot what kind of wood/particle???? should I order?
can I order glass for the shelf I want to put in hutch? thanks
my armoire and hutch are red cherry wood.

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3 Responses to I want to put shelves inside my armoire and turn it into pantry cabinet, how can I measure?

  1. onebear469 says:

    I would go to big lots and get some free standing shelves to put in it like I put in my pantry

  2. Tom says:

    a tape measure is the way to measure, it if you are worried about not being able to measure accuratly because of the fact that the body of the tape measure will be in the way at the far side, the put a mark about middle in the cabinent and measure from both sides to the mark and add them together, dont trust the thing that says how long the tape measure is and bending the tape over itself doesnt work to hot either.

    just get some 3/4 inch plywood

  3. eyeluvme says:

    you can get glass however this is hard to cut and takes practice
    the easiest think would be hard board its in the plywood family and easier to deal with and inexpensive
    measure your cabinet twice cut once it may not be square so your going to have to measure each shelf you put in
    you can purchase the glass pre cut but you will have to be precise with the measurement
    it really depends on the width can u use a steel ruler or is it wider than two feet a t square may work a tape is a little flimsy and may throw you off and you cant be off if you use the glass

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